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Research Centers

Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center (DBARC)


Established Year:

Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center (DBARC) was initially managed under Holeta Agricultural Research Center and established in 1965 E.C. as part of the former Sheno Agricultural Research Station. It became a dedicated agricultural research sub-center in Sheno in 1978 E.C. and was officially renamed Sheno Agricultural Research Center (SARC) in 1988 E.C. In 1997 E.C., the center was transferred to Debre Birhan and subsequently renamed Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center to reflect its new location. Since then, DBARC has been one of the main research centers under the Amhara Agricultural Research Institute.


DBARC is situated in the North Shewa Zone of the Amhara Region, approximately 120 kilometers northeast of Addis Ababa and 10 kilometers from Debre Birhan city along the paved highway to Dessie. DBARC's geographical coordinates range from 09°36′45″ to 09°35′45″ north latitude and from 39°29′40″ to 39°31′30″ east longitude, with an elevation of 2,828 meters.

DBARC Staffing:

As of July 2024, DBARC has a total of 239 staffs, including 97 researchers, 1 technical assistant, and 141 support staff.


There are six research directorates for agricultural technology supply:
  • Crop
  • Livestock
  • Soil and Water
  • Forestry
  • Socio-economics and Agricultural Extension
  • Technology Multiplication and Seed Research

  • The center is also supported by four divisions:
  • Procurement
  • Finance and Property Management
  • Human Resources
  • Planning and Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Internal Audit
  • Mission and Mandate


    The center's mission is to generate, develop, and adapt agricultural technologies, information, and knowledge to support overall agricultural development and benefit its stakeholders. The center seeks to create demand for improved agricultural technologies through demonstration, popularization, and scaling. Additionally, DBARC is dedicated to multiplying and disseminating agro-ecologically sound and advanced agricultural technologies to improve the community's standard of living.

    Mandate Area:

    DBARC is responsible for conducting scientific research on key agricultural production challenges in the Eastern part of the Amhara Region, specifically in the North Shewa Zone. DBARC focuses its research on various agro-ecological areas within the North Shewa Zone, which holds significant potential for agricultural development due to its diverse natural resources and extensive livestock and crop potential.

    Mandate Research:

    DBARC coordinates research activities for various commodities both regionally and nationally. At the national level, DBARC manages the sheep research project. Regionally, it oversees research in several areas, including cereals (food and malt barley), pulses (lentils, faba beans, field peas), highland fruits and vegetables (garlic, cabbage, carrots), livestock (sheep, animal feed, and nutrition), soil and water (black soil management and cultivation), forestry (plantation and protection), and socio-economics (market research and value chains).

    Facilities and Infrastructure

    DBARC initially focused its research efforts on the highlands of North Shewa but has since expanded its focus to encompass the mid-altitude and lowland areas of the region. To support diverse farming systems, DBARC operates a main research center in Debre Birhan, a sub-center in Alem Ketema, and maintains nine additional trial sites across various agro-ecologies.

    Overall, the center manages nine trial sites and one sub-center, where a range of research activities are carried out.

  • Debre Birhan, M/Medda, Molale, Andit Tid, and Bakelo are situated in the cool moist highlands agro-ecological zone.
  • Enwari, Deneba, and Alem Ketema fall within the sub-moist mid-highlands agro-ecological zone.
  • The Jewuha research station is located in the hot to warm moist lowlands agro-ecological zone.

  • The figure below provides details and a location map of the main center, trial sites, and sub-center.

    DBARC’s main center has a range of research facilities.

    Offices and other buildings:

  • It includes four buildings, each housing 12 offices.
  • library
  • Old garage
  • An entertainment club
  • Meeting hall

  • Laboratories:

  • Soil, water, and plant analysis
  • Plant protection
  • Animal nutrition
  • Animal health (focusing on parasitology and microbiology)
  • Mini dairy laboratory

  • Machinery

  • Feed mills
  • Feed choppers
  • Milking machines
  • Tractors
  • Balers
  • Disc plows
  • Disc harrows
  • Seed threshers
  • Mowers
  • Maize planters

  • Additionally, DBARC operates various screen houses devoted to the breeding and improvement of potatoes, barley, and faba beans.

    Facilities under construction

    Modern barn for dairy cows, a modern protection laboratory, and a water storage tank with a capacity of 120,000 liters.

    Contact Information

    Address: Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center, POBOX 112, Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
  • Phone Number: +251-116-560374
  • Email Address: or
  • Social Media Links: Links to social media profiles

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    Food System Resilience Program (FSRP)

    Climate Action Through Landscape Management (CALM)

    Resilient Agriculture for Inclusive and Sustainable Ethiopian Food Systems (RAISE-FS)

    International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

    Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

    International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

    International Potato Center (CIP)
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    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research

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    Ministry of Agriculture





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