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Amhara Agricultural Research Institute
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Amhara Agricultural Research Institute

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Project Description

Climate Action Through Landscape Management (CALM P4R)

The Program is divided into two Results Areas, and consists of the following:

The research institute (ARARI) is dedicated to focusing all of its efforts and resources on the CALM P4R Results Area 1, specifically in participatory watershed management. The CALM P4R program provides results-based support to incentivize field-based interventions to scale up participatory watershed management activities to reduce land degradation. The program also supports:

  1. The development of capacity at the regional, and woreda levels for participatory watershed management;
  2. SLM-related research at the regional levels;
  3. The strengthening of the policy, institutional, and regulatory framework for SLM;
  4. Building the SLM knowledge base; and
  5. Management, monitoring and reporting of Ethiopia Strategic Investment Framework (ESIF) interventions for watershed management

The SLM practices such as climate-smart, a term used to describe an approach to agriculture that has three pillars: (a) sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; (b) adapting and building resilience to climate change; and (c) reducing and/or removing greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions, where possible. These pillars are captured in the stated aim of the guidelines, which is (a) to guide the preparation and implementation of watershed management programs that increase land quality and restore degraded land; (b) reduce the impact of climate-related hazards on priority resources and support adjustments to existing livelihood activities to reduce their sensitivity to climate impacts; and (c) where possible contribute to the reduction of net GHG emissions.

Program Development Objective(s) (PDO) and PDO-level Results Indicators

The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to increase the adoption of sustainable land management practices and to expand access to secure land tenure in non-rangeland rural areas. SLM practices are climate-smart, not only increasing agricultural productivity, but also building resilience to climate change and reducing GHG emissions.

The PDO-level results indicators are as follows:

  • PDO 1: Land area under sustainable landscape management practices (ha)
  • PDO 2: Project area showing an increase in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) correcting for short-term weather effects (ha)
  • P4R non-financed areas

    The program provides support for all components of the ESIF program, except
    1. Capital expenditures related to irrigation are excluded
    2. Activities in predominantly rangeland areas /regions is excluded, because watersheds are less suitable as planning units, and
    3. Expenditures already financed by World Bank-supported investment project financing operations and other development programs [eg SLMP, AGP, etc.].