Asmare Dejen Demeke

Amhara Agricultural Research Institute, Bahir Dar, Amhara, Ethiopia
Advisory Board, BNJAR


Dr. Asmare Dejen is working at the Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute as a director general and researcher. He had developed various environmentally friendly, easily available, low-cost, and non-poison-to-human, livestock, and beneficial organism insect management methods. My interest in insects is mainly stemborers, Busseola fusca, and Chilo partellus, with associated natural enemies (parasitoid Cotesia flavipes), Sorghum aphids, Russian wheat aphids on barley, field pea aphids, different lepidopterous larvae on pulses, as well as cereals. He worked at the Forum for Higher Education Institutes in the Amhara region as a general secretary. Moreover, my home base is Wollo University.